
New Game

Contacting matchfinding server...
Lost connection

Puzzle progress is saved, so the puzzle should be continuable after reconnecting.

The reasons for connection loss include: losing internet connectivity, JigsawPuzzles admin restarting a server, game bugs (sorry!), and being inactive for 5 minutes.

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Server is full

Sorry this puzzle is full.

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Members Only

This game mode requires players to be signed in to join. Sign-in from the Homepage.

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Banned from lobby

The user who hosted this puzzle has banned you. If you were being a troll, then that's probably why. If you were not being a troll, maybe the host of that puzzle is a troll! If that is the case it might be nice to host a new puzzle where you are in charge and everyone is treated nicely.

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Kicked from lobby

The host has kicked you from this game. If they're some sort of troll you should probably start a new game away from their shenanigans.

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Unable to reach server

If your internet is working fine, then you may have caught us in a brief maintence window.

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No server capacity

Whoops, looks like our servers are too full to host any more games!

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Puzzle not found

We were unable to find this puzzle.

This is usually for one of two reasons:

  1. the puzzle was already completed
  2. a typo in the invite link
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Unknown error

We're not even sure what went wrong. If this happens again, I'm sure the developer would like to know.

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